Worldwide Ultimate Shipping  UG

ln God we Trust

Our services are available round the clock

Our services in procurment, selling and shippment of Vehicle, Machinaries and goods are at your disposal round the clock, just write or call we´ll be at your reach

Services at an affordable rates

We offer services and products at fair prices, because we believe in a long-term Business relationship


Mo - Fr       10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Saturdays  10:00 - 17:00 Uhr
Sundays  Closed


we stress out much  reaching you with  efficiency as part of our operational metrologogy


We hold on to our core value in keeping a fair with dignity in relating to our clients and overall operation of the company


We placed every of our clients at great value, therefore seriousness in communing remains undisputable

Unser Versprechen

Fast Services –Reliable in delivery

We pay  much attention of not just reaching you, but winning you more with our time Consciousness inorder to establish reliability in our business relationship

Competence in Counseling our clients to take a better decision

We measure our success through the success of our clients, therefore we hold on to the respondsibility in counseling our clients properly inorder to make a good decision to embrace his/her expected success

Unser Team

we are dedicated with high competency at your service


We do all possible to secure the safety and in time delivery of your goods, vehicle and services at your designated place


we offer reliable, competence  and accountability in our services


Our  team are set up to communicate with high ethical value , coherence and competency 


Telefon: +49 173 6027009


Anschrift: Eichenhofer Weg 20

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